Δευτέρα 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Lemmy Never Dies

Alas is true… the thing that often rumored or feared the past couple of years, just happened… The son of a bitch finally bite the bullet and said a Farefuck (instead of Farewell, I guess) to Western Civilization; the same Civilization that approved and at the very end endorsed him; still he never missed an opportunity of fist fucking it and its representatives, the worst way possible!! A huge fuck off to conformity and to “descent” / society approved behavioral patterns. And most of all, an iconic father figure to genuine Rock N Roll that supported a decadent but always active rock and roll destruction / mayhem proposal to society’s status quo, with a healthier and most enduring way of living the wild way; despite he had to antagonize figures like Morrison or Cobain that tried to impose in Rock music their own miserable depression due to substances abuse… YOY DON’T NEED DRUGS IF U’RE GONNA BE MISERABLE & DEPRESSED STUPID!!! That’s what Lemmy taught me, while playing (and I passively and enjoyably listening) infernal and everlasting Heavy Rock N Roll!!!
It is no wonder that he is universally acclaimed and acknowledged, despite various obsessions, every music listener has, in one time of his life… At least we know now, that he is, at last, easy, since he was eventually killed, by the only thing that could kill him….And don’t get me started about cancer, because Dickinson had one in his tonsils and someone made a crazy campaign of it, whilst others, as it seems, endured, the only way humanly possible…

Lemmy Is Dead
He Is Unanimously now the New King Of Rock N Roll
So Long Live The King!! 

ALL Lemmy on Kokdi
Little Richard

Born To Lose, LIVED TO WIN

Πέμπτη 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

A 2015 Monthly Recap: May

Continuing the year’s recap like 2016 never happened, we are finishing with spring time inventing new ways to keep Kokdi busy… A Saturday night’s peculiar homage to kitch and to the extravagant way only a Greek could choose for a proper entertainment. It resulted to schizophrenic VS battles and a sexy-like reference, to mainstream, orient based, Greek folk/pop music. And @ the same time completing one of most surrealistic rambling references of previous month

Τετάρτη 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

A 2015 Monthly Recap: April

All of these recap posts are devoted to those, stubbornly insist on labeling metalheads as obsessive and without any interest on experimentation… April, apart from original ramblings (to my opinion Nobel Prize material for wackiness!!), loans and pseudo athinorama issues, we've had our first time machines through retro db (firstly audio, then multimedia)

Τρίτη 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

A 2015 Monthly Recap: March

2015’s Final Countdown continuing with March. There are no less suggestions from there until Easter. So 30 music suggestions will be parading on the playlist below. I’ll try to incorporate only the true great ones in order for us to remember what March sounded like, back in that day… And believe me the month was extra strong in that department, so my job isn’t exactly easy… This month except from ramblings, or «loans», had another steady column (Pseudo – Athinorama) to deal with…

Το Σiνεμά Της Γειτονιάς Παρουσιάζει 22/12/2015 A Fistful Of Dollars 1964

A Fistful Of Dollars 1964
Ακατάλληλο για άμυαλους πιστολάδες…
Λίγα Λόγια Για Το Έργο….
Επειδή κάναμε αφιερωματάκι στον Καστελάρι και σημειώσαμε εκεί τον τιτανοτεράστιο Λεόνε, κάνουμε μια μικρή παρέμβαση στη.. σειρά και κατόπιν συνεννόησης με την εταιρεία διανομής «Παγκόσμια Διαδικτυακή Κοινότητα» θα προβάλλουμε και το  More...Κατ’ αρχάς τι να πούμε για την πλοκή?? Όποιος δεν έχει δει, οφείλει ταχύρυθμα σεμινάρια στο Γιοζίμπο ΤΩΡΑ. Σήμερα, η ταινία που εκκίνησε το πάθος για σπαγγέτι…γουέστερν και έκανε τον Κλιντάρα τον παίκτη που είναι σήμερα… Ο άνθρωπος δίχως όνομα μας συστήνεται στην εκκίνηση της συναρπαστικότερης τριλογίας μετά τον Πόλεμο Των Άστρων, διαλύοντας 2 συμμορίες που λυμαίνονται μια επαρχιακή πόλη…
Η Συνέχεια Επί Της Οθόνης….

Δευτέρα 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

A 2015 Monthly Recap: February

It’s been a ton of work so there were no time to do anything so sorry… But it’s the Final Countdown of the year, it is time of remembrance of what happened to Kokdi Mpath’s world, as far as music suggestions go…10 days to 2016, 10 months of suggestions in Kokdi Mpath's world.....

Τετάρτη 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Little Richard: Music Suggestion Of The Day 16/12/2015

If Elvis is considered to be the living King of Rock N Roll, today’s suggestion easily could proclaim himself as the living God & Apostle of Rock N Roll!! A pioneer in many - many ways, without the proper recognition as happened with other artists either from Motown, or elsewhere. If u don’t trust me trust Lemmy

Τρίτη 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Το Σiνεμά Της Γειτονιάς Παρουσιάζει 15/12/2015 Keoma 1976

Λίγα Λόγια Για Το Έργο…
Συνεχίζοντας την αναφορά στους Άδωξους Μπάσταρδους (δες στο τέλος του σχετικού post) του Θεού (που οσονούπω γυρνά το 2ο back-to-back spaghetti like western του) ιδού μια πολλαπλή σε τούτο αναφορά στο επικό σκηνοθέτη του Ιταλικού Κινηματογράφου που δεν γύρισε ούτε bud spencer, ούτε Terence Ηill, ούτε giallo, μόνο καλό wannabe US mainstream Cinema αλά Ιταλικά. Και όταν λέμε αλά Ιταλικά δεν εννοούμε ούτε Παζολίνι, ούτε Αρτζέντο, ούτε καν Φούλτσι… Για παράδειγμα δείτε την σημερινή μας ταινία για το «όραμα» του σκηνοθέτου στο έπος της σπαγγέτι τριλογίας του Λεόνε: Ο ημίαιμος Κεόμα επιστρέφει στην μικρή συνοριακή πόλη του,, μόνο για να την δει να ελέγχεται απολύτως από τον διεφθαρμένο Νότιο Κάλντγουελ και τα «μούτρα» του. Για να γίνουν τα πράγματα χειρότερα 3 ετεροθαλείς αδερφοί του ήρωα συμμαχούν με τον αδίστακτο Νότιο επιδρομέα, δείχνοντας του πως η επιστροφή στα «πάτρια εδάφη» είναι ανεπιθύμητη…. Παρεμπιπτόντως, οι έλληνες μεταφραστές θέλοντας να εκμεταλλευτούν τον εμπορικό μύθο του Τζάνγκο (στο οποίο πάλι πρωταγωνιστούσε ο Φράνκο Νέρο) μετέφρασαν την ταινία σαν Τζάνγκο ο Εκδικητής… και δείτε και στα υστερόγραφα για την πλέον καλτ ταινία με καρχαρίες του ιδίου αξιότιμου Έντζο που στα 13 μου θεωρούσα πως ξεπερνούσε και τα θρυλικά «Σαγόνια» (καλά λέγαμε κάτι μαλακίες μικροί ε?)
Η Συνέχεια Επί Της Οθόνης…

Δευτέρα 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Pestilence: Music Suggestion Of The Day 14/12/2015

This Week I guess I’m starting with something powerful, yet with the same major dilemmas other suggested band had in the recent Kokdi’s suggestions (e.g. Discharge, Trouble). Started off as imaginative thrashsters these guys from Holland, managed to turn into something of a Coroner of Death Metal. The transformation is fully shown in today’s post

Σάββατο 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Trouble: Music Suggestion Of The Day 12/12/2015

Again today, we have to "mess" with a suggestion been claimed from different but acknowledged and revered subgenres of Metal. Being receiving he same fate as Pentagram and Exodus (having formed much earlier than their first release) are renowned today as pioneers in either Doom or Stoner Metal, celebrating this year, one of their albums turning 30, amongst other bands already suggested through Kokdi’s blog, of course…

Παρασκευή 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Best Birthday Gift 2015

Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday dear Meeeeeee
Happy birthday to Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Thank U Metallica for being there

@ least you were always there….

Firstly (thanks to MilanicaChannel plz sbsc)


for 30 f....g years (or the history of Metal in one playlist)!!!

and always.. (thanks to MetallicaTV)

so choose any playlist you want and enjoy!!!

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Πέμπτη 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Discharge: Music Suggestion Of The Day 10/12/2015

Having finished with the Greeks, it is time to get back in business as usual…Today I was wondering about what I’ve left behind having mentioned Exploited. The 2nd and more extreme wave of Punk, gave birth to Hardcore Punk still stationed in UK and surprisingly being granted a position to our beloved encyclopaedia (whilst bands like SYOAD or TOOL are ignored as being non-metal?!?!) as something of a crossover thrash band

Τετάρτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Τρύπες: Music Suggestion Of The Day 09/12/2015

Today we’re concluding the reference to Greek Speaking rock heroes (P.S. & V.P.) with a band. As we stated in Monday, it is the most influential of the 3, regarding the fact that both of the suggestions made, were exceptionally unique and couldn’t be copied in any way. Those who tried failed disgracefully. This isn’t a problem with today’s suggestion, which started as a post – punk band with strong, provokative greek lyrics (to me it is like hearing early Cure e.g. "jumping someone else's train" or "grinding halt", singing in Greek with Thessaloniki’s accent), gained mainstream attention and commercial success, only to present a very progressive and experimental sound right @ the end, which were both original and unique enough to be counted alongside the other 2. Their influence expanded a great deal and managed to set the standards for what today is considered Greek speaking Rock. The fact that only Thessaloniki seemed to produce something impressing, as far as Rock Music concerns, surely state a lot, about today’s band status quo in the business. If you reach to a point where you are considered a landmark / icon / trendsetter for the future, amongst your peers and decide to split –up to maintain exactly this type of legacy and dynamics, rather than prolonging life only for commercial gain, then you are, in my book (as Kurt Russell says in Death Proof), truly an authentic Rock’ n Roll Great…..

Τρίτη 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Βασίλης Παπακωνσταντίνου: Music Suggestion Of The Day 08/12/2015

Continuing with covering the 3 greatest of Greek Speaking Rock Music, we suggest one of the favorites of Mainstream Greek Rock, that managed to fuse art (poetry and significant music influences that exceeded those of yesterday’ s suggestion that stuck to early US Rhythm & Blues). Maybe because of his political background, maybe because of his powerful voice, maybe because he was in the right place in the right time, being the right man for the job…

Το Σiνεμά Της Γειτονιάς Παρουσιάζει 08/12/2015 Goodbye Lenin! 2003

Goodbye Lenin! 2003
Αυστηρώς Ακατάλληλο για σταλινικούς κνίτες
Παντελώς κατάλληλο για όλους εμάς τους υπόλοιπους,
 τους ξεπουλημένους ρεφόρμες
Λίγα Λόγια Για Το Έργο…
Μετά το mini αφιέρωμα στα θρίλερ που με τον ένα ή τον άλλο τρόπο έγραψαν κινηματογραφική ιστορία, θα επιχειρήσουμε κάτι ανάλογο (δηλαδή σινεφιλική αναφορά) με το Άδωξοι Μπάσταρδη του Θεού Κουέντιν. Πως θα γίνει αυτό? Μα αρχής γενομένης από σήμερα, όπου παρουσιάζουμε την ταινία που έκανε ευρύτερα γνωστό τον Daniel Bruhl, μετέπειτα Stolz Der Nation και την επόμενη εβδομάδα με την διασημότερη ταινία του Καστελάρι (σκηνοθέτη του πρωτότυπου Inglorious Bastards / Quel Maledetto treno blindato 1978) το spaghetti western Keoma, την οποία οι Έλληνες φωστήρες μετέφρασαν ως Τζανγκο ο Εκδικητής (καμία σχέση, τυχαίο? δεν νομίζω!! Για περισσότερα άσχετα με τους Άδωξους πατήστε ΕΔΩ). Στην σημερινή μας ταινία ένας πιτσιρικάς προσπαθεί να προστατέψει την σταλινική μάνα του από την πραγματικότητα της κατάρρευσης του σοβιετικού παραπετάσματος… Η επιτυχία είναι πάντοτε θέμα αντίληψης…
Θα πετύχει??
Η Συνέχεια Επί Της Οθόνης….

Όλα τα Σiνεμά ΕΔΩ

Δευτέρα 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Παύλος Σιδηρόπουλος: Music Suggestion Of The Day 07/12/2015

Since this week I’ve already set my mind on covering the Greek speaking Rockers of my generation, it is already one day too late to strat but it is never too late... Artists that put their brand in the local scene with legendary stories, some of them probably well-known and abroad. This 3 day back to back suggestions brings u Greece’s finest, speaking the native tongue and performing something of a classical US kind of blues rock (for today), something of elementary rock infused with artistic addition (such as lyrics taken from poems, sounds imitating mainstream international music with extensive use of keyboards for tomorrow) and the most original of this lot, a genuine replica of brit new wave post-punk sounds and founding bands (e.g. early Cure for Wednesday) with Greek subversive lyrics and ultimately an independent and exploring rock sound that still endures and referred to as classic and an endless fountain of inspiration (as far as Greek speaking Rock concerns…)

Κυριακή 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Cover 'Em All Vol.1: Music Suggestion Of The Day 06/12/2015

Today I was thinking something of a mega combo, instead of a Great One from the List… Why not everyone (well almost)?? A post tribute to garage, some consider to be the actual first rock genre (considering rock as something only white men played). With the term garage one should perceive as bands gathered around a DIY studio performing their favorite bands and tracks. The story of Rock’ n Roll is filled with cover versions of other people’s songs…Some made covers the ground base of their success story (Elvis, Beatles, Rolling Stones), some used it as tool of promoting significant bands that were unknown but quite remarkable…This post is rather a big connect them all, through the most characteristic of the genre; the freedom to cover your favorite tune, maybe in a garage...maybe as a garage, such as Iguanas...

Σάββατο 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

24 χρόνια Ζωης Original 21 Ηράκλειο Κρήτης

Τα τελευταία 12 χρόνια της ζωής μου ήσασταν η οικογένεια μου, το όνειρο του συνανήκειν. Τα μισά χρόνια δηλαδή του καλύτερου κλαμπ της επαρχίας… και δυστυχώς μετράμε και με απώλειες τον χρόνο και το κοντέρ γράφει 2… και την απώλεια όμως με το ίδιο τραγούδι την αντιμετωπίζουμε και με τον ίδιο σεβασμό… και ξάφνου μέσα στα τραγούδια η απώλεια μικραίνει και μένει η παρουσία και οι ωραιές αναμνήσεις…
Όλα τα παλληκάρια εκεί, ξέρουν την αξία που μοιράζονται. Πως ακόμα και αν δεν μοιάζουν ο ένας στον άλλο, εσώτερα και εμπρός στο μεγαλείο μιας ομάδας με ιστορία και αθλητική παράδοση στην αλληλεγγύη και στην ευγενή άμιλλα και για όσο η «μέθεξη» αυτή διαρκεί, ομοιάζουν απόλυτα…

 Μεγάλη ευτυχία αυτό… 
Σας ευχαριστώ ΑΕΚΑΡΕΣ μου, γι αυτό το «συνανήκειν», καθώς ήμουν ξένος σε ξένα μέρη, όμως ήμουν πάντα εκεί που αγαπούσα όποτε βρισκόμουν στο παλιό/μυθικό και, κάθε φορά που, τώρα βρίσκομαι στο καινούργιο δωματιάκι…
Ο Μύθος
το "καινούργιο"

πάντα με αυτό το ανατριχιαστικό «μεθύσι της χαράς», ό,τι και αν τριγύρω συμβαίνει, σ’ όποια ξένα μέρη και να πας, με το αδερφό σου ξέρεις,
είστε δυνατοί γιατί είστε ΕΝΑ…

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Original Φωτεινό Μονοπάτι της Ζωής μας

Παρασκευή 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

System Of A Down: Music Suggestion Of The Day 04/12/2015

Today’s suggestion came really easy, considering yesterday's band name...The real question with this suggestion may be their low position in MyTop100 List of Rock music, since their 2nd album is already considered an instant classic due to the originality they brought in metal scene which seemed in the late 90’s dying or about to. The groundbreaking sound, the style of melodic hardcore (??) with punk (highly political I mean) lyrics and of course groovy rhythms and the absence of lead guitars; this I say according to the «must», a classic metal band of the 80’s, would have on incorporating a solo in a song; even Kerry King tried to squeeze a «something» of a guitar solo!! In the 90’s though and after Morello and his crew abolished this classic concept of a solo, there were a strong belief that playing a solo is outdated and pointless; even a solo of Kerry King’s!! Stoner was already considered (and was) a reincarnation of the mighty 70’s, thus not original, so today’s band, even though they released their debut album in late 90’s had definitely the most innovative sound in the metal business. If Pantera IS the most significant metal band in the 90’s (no not Nirvana!!), today’s suggestion is surely amongst the most significant of the 00’s, even though they're finally labeled as just Rock (not even Hard Rock in wiki!!)

Πέμπτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Down: Music Suggestion Of The Day 03/12/2015

All this week has been ferociously hot and awesomely chill, day in, day out. Today won’t be different. A kind of supergroup, a kind of side project to renowned bands, no matter where you tend to categorise today’s suggestion it was good hearing Anselmo roar something doomier for a change. Don’t let me get started about Awesome Pepper….Best enduring sludge/stoner band (??) as hope for an even gloomier future...

Τετάρτη 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Camel: Music Suggestion Of The Day 02/12/2015

Another day another pain, another sorrow, another gain….Today’s suggestion is surely a Gain aesthetically. One of the pioneers of prog Rock of the 70’s with a distinctive sound that made anyone else sound different. It seems that this band is a genre of its own, a kind of undisputed Wishbone Ash of Prog without the underrated notion that sadly Ash carries as legacy. You may consider them easy listening, u may say that it’s too cerebral; but they are not as «difficult» as Genesis were and they are far «easier» to listen and comprehend the journey suggested, than e.g. Yes. Really intriguing fun to listen to and quit relaxing to just chill lay back and relax… after all it’s just the middle of the week!!

Τρίτη 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Xentrix: Music Suggestion Of The Day 01/12/2015

For starters hve an awesome December!! The rhythm and pace of life may be weakening and exhausting but with bands like today’s suggestion u won’t feel a thing. Much – much faster and not exhausting but at times awesome, these Brits can surely make our day the way a good Thrash band can. With their astonishing «For Whose Advantage?» LP these guys from Preston, Lancashire, proved that the UK scene, that lacked enormous bands of that genre, surely knew how to Thrash in a (rather American but) unique way!!

Το Σiνεμά Της Γειτονιάς Παρουσιάζει 01/12/2015 EvilDead 1981

Παντελώς ακατάλληλον για ανώριμους/άσχετους με το σινεμά
Λίγα Λόγια για το Έργο….
Η 1η ταινία του Sam Raimi έμελε να αποτελέσει απαράμιλλο και αρχετυπικό cult thriller για πολλά – πολλά χρόνια μετά την δημιουργία του ενώ αποτέλεσε και σημείο αναφοράς για ταινίες όπως το εξαιρετικό Cabin In The Woods των Whedon Goddard. Με κίνδυνο να παρεξηγηθώ από τον φίλο George (και ως εκ τούτου ξεχνώ άμεσα αυτό που ήθελα να υπονοήσω), η ταινία αυτή μπορεί να συγκριθεί, σε αξία, με το εξίσου επικό BrainDead του μετέπειτα σκηνοθέτη του Άρχοντα των Δαχτυλιδιών. Μέχρι και σήμερα η συγκεκριμένη ταινία γνωρίσει 2 συνέχειες, έχει γίνει ατυχές remake και currently αποτελεί και θέμα τηλεοπτικής σειράς (Ash Vs. EvilDead).

Δευτέρα 30 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Aphrodite's Child: Music Suggestion Of The Day 30/11/2015

It was meant to be a back to back with Friday’s suggestion… Nevertheless is quite exciting that we had ancestors not only in ruins but in prog rock of late 60’s and early 70’s!! Today’s band is considered archetypal amongst its peers in the English spoken rock music coming from this side of the planet!!Their 3rd release is maybe the first concept album rock music released and one of the most significant not only in Greece but internationally. It is one of my personally favorites and especially the well renowned "Horsemen" were for many many years a favorite companion in all my musical walkthroughs...The band’s main figures (Vangelis, Roussos) had many collaborations and hits since then as solo artists as well establishing the point of international acclamation (one of them even won an Oscar for Chariots of Fire OST)

Παρασκευή 27 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Socrates Drank The Conium: Music Suggestion Of The Day 27/11/2015

Friday used to be my favorite day because obligations used to end and the weekend was to come… But now, seems that Friday is a new start for a weekend of a further more try. On this note I should go on an inwards approach. With today’s band its not like we discover America or something… but I surely know that for whoever haven’t heard about Greek prog of the 70’s (with gr lyrics or not) today’s band will be some kind of rediscovering routes always thought and perceived as well established exclusively on western hemisphere.

Πέμπτη 26 Νοεμβρίου 2015

The Exploited: Music Suggestion Of The Day 26/11/2015

Today’s band didn’t quite make it neither in this blog (till today) or MyTop100List of Rock. And it wasn’t for lack of trying or for some other particular reason either. Maybe the fact that this band is maybe synonymous with the sub-genre it represents, yet it’s latest releases sound more of thrash  than hardcore punk; so I figured, it was better not to include them in the relative list so I wouldn't be so subjective to the bands and artists' picks, for their attributes in Rock's world scene. Pioneers nevertheless in the 2nd wave of punk attack from Uk (and Scotland no less!!) and as it turns out, main influence of the pioneers of thrash metal that were about to form and commercially take over the genre today’s band represented with absolute honesty and the rawest (at that time) of riffs!!

Τετάρτη 25 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Immolation: Music Suggestion Of The Day 25/11/2015

Today I was really torn… wanting to post something brutal and awesome I thought about Benton’s vehicle…But not! There are anti-Christians with a cause (see below) and a heavier (!!) attitude about it, than the brandings and other poser’s tricks to seem darker from what is playing… The fact that my good friend Chris (X-sickness) suggested them, give them the necessary push… It’s fierce and provocative enough!!

Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Pentagram: Music Suggestion Of The Day 24/11/2015

Today’s suggestion is iconic. Yet it is not considered as archetypal with e.g. the Sabs, even though they were formed in the same decade give or take one or two years. Why is that? The band remained in the underground scene all of the 701’s and early 80’s and had to wait for bands like Candlemass or St. Vitus to emerge before releasing their first eponymous debut album in 1985. They are considered to be amongst the Doom subgenre Classics and groundbreaking artists even though eventually all Doom experts agree on Candlemass trademariking the term (as Metallica did with their Thrash aesthetics, even though groups like Exodus were way older and far more experienced since they formed back in ’79)

Το Σiνεμά Της Γειτονιάς Παρουσιάζει 24/11/2015 The Crazies 2010

The Crazies 2010
Κατάλληλον άνω ποταμών (πως λέμε Άνω Πατήσια; Έτσι!)
Λίγα Λόγια Για Το Έργο….
Οι λάτρεις του George A. Romero θα έχουν την ευκαιρία να θυμηθούν λίγο, λιγότερο γνωστές δουλειές του δημιουργού των zombies.  Και στην προκειμένη μιλάμε για μια ταινία – φόρο τιμής (το original θυμίζουμε είναι ταινία του 1973) στα ήδη cult αριστουργήματα που από κάποιους ονοματίστηκαν με τον δυσφημιστικό τίτλο «b-movies» (π.χ. θυμήσου το Village of the Damned, ή το απίστευτο Invasion Of The Body Snatchers), χωρίς να προδίδει το concept που τον έκανε αθάνατο (σαν τις «δημιουργίες» του), σε μια ατέρμονη μεταφορά και αναφορά στον σύγχρονο δυτικό τρόπο ζωής, που είναι λογικό κάποια στιγμή να σε τρελάνει, με το σύστημα να σου φέρεται όπως πρέπει…..σαν απειλή

Δευτέρα 23 Νοεμβρίου 2015

A Perfect Circle: Music Suggestion Of The Day 23/11/2015

It’s shifting gears again this week hopefully with a supergroup in mind to help us get started. When thinking progressive and supergroup not many things come to mind. A Steven Wilson (a.k.a. Porcupine Tree) side/solo project perhaps?? It’s not the first time if you consider it… but being a huge Tool fan wasn’t finally able to resist the temptation to move further away from the groundbreaking heavy progressive themes of Tool and rediscover aspects never seen, even though the rest are true offsprings of 90’s alternative sound the final proposition is way interesting… a satisfactory mixture of 50% progressive 50% alternative rock solution…