Σάββατο 14 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Blood out....

Don't cry, don't panic, Just remember & wake up!!

Just 2 years ago John McCain with other members of American Senate, while visiting Syria had a meeting and photographed together with AbuBakr al-Baghdadi being named Islamic Nation’s caliph, renaming it ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah (الدولة الإسلامية, "Islamic State" (IS) More inf about the unseen murderers that like crusaders invade cities, destroying artifacts, slaughtering whoever has an opinion HERE... Do you remember St. Paul's followers in Alexadreia???
GR: Πριν δυο χρόνια περίπου ο John McCain μαζί με άλλα μέλη της αμερικάνικης γερουσίας σε ταξίδι τους στη Συρία, συνομίλησαν και φωτογραφήθηκαν με Σύρους ισλαμιστές. Ανάμεσά τους ο αρχηγός - αυτοανακηρυγμένος χαλίφης του Ισλαμικού κράτους: Αλ Μπαγκντάντι. More info HERE

Όσο οι λαοί δυναστεύονται, 
τόσο η ανάγκη ανακάλυψης νέων εχθρών είναι απαραίτητη...

Παρασκευή 13 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Witchcraft: Music Suggestion Of The Day 13/11/2015

Psyched up about today’s suggestion by the earlier post of my brother Statler, it is time to rediscover the 70’s once more, a bit more heavy this time… The related links below might not tell all the truth about today’s band awesome invocation to the dark metallic spirit of the electrified 70’s psych/doom sound. But surely this won’t mind a bit because now we have the answer to the demonic summoning of blood ceremony….

Πέμπτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Fugazi: Music Suggestion Of The Day 12/11/2015

It is this time of the week that we get political, high pitched and super speedy fast. Today’s band though, need a more informative piece on its achievements, not only amongst its peers, but in the whole wide Rock world, than my ramblings that apart from not being an expert or a fan even, I can’t help but admire this particular band and respect it as much I have, classic icons of this genre…

Τετάρτη 11 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Corrosion Of Conformity: Music Suggestion Of The Day 11/11/2015

Today’s band is posing the same questions as Cathedral did, with the answers right in front of us from the beginning; today’s band is another perfect example of chameleonic music;; or the conformity and it’s corrosion, through groundbreaking yet highly commercial shift from a kind of a punk/thrash attitude to what later trademarked their sound, only to make it heavier still reminding mega groups of the past (e.g. it's that way) at the same time. Sludge metal isn’t a term I’m familiar with, even though today’s band is considered amongst the pioneers of this particular subgenre…

Τρίτη 10 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Grand Magus: Music Suggestion Of The Day 10/11/2015

Today’s band is yet another gem on nuclear blast’s renewed crown in music discography.

Το Σiνεμά Της Γειτονιάς Παρουσιάζει 10/11/2015 Dead Man 1995

dEAd MaN
Κατάλληλον για όσους δεν βαριούνται
Λίγα Λόγια Για το Έργο…
Το ταξίδι ενός γραφιά στον περίλαμπρο θάνατο στην Άγρια Δύση, ένα Waking Life αλά γουέστερν σε στυλ Αγγελόπουλου, ή καλύτερα πρώιμου και ανένταχτου (indie) κινηματογράφου των μεγαλουπόλεων. Ο Neil Young σπέρνει με την μουρμούρικη μα χαρακτηριστική μουσική του ενώ ο Depp κάνει ένα ακόμη ρεσιτάλ μεταμόρφωσης από αφελή λογιστή σε πεπειραμένο ποιητή πιστολέρο που οδεύει προς την λησμονιά της ανυπαρξίας με καλλιτεχνικό θόρυβο…

Η Συνέχεια Επί της Οθόνης....


Όλα τα Σινεμά ΕΔΩ

Δευτέρα 9 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Nightstalker: Music Suggestion Of The Day 09/11/2015

There is no doubt that today’s band is another top notch Greek stoner band that I believe should be considered as genuinely great throughout the continent. I may be exaggerating but to me this band labels the sound stoner better than anyone else… And I mean Any One else!!!

Κυριακή 8 Νοεμβρίου 2015

The Doors: Music Suggestion Of The Day 08/11/2015

In the great tradition of Sundays been occupied by the «greats», we have for you a phenomenon that divided the rock music audience by gender (Ranking #19 @ my 100TopRock List). The real question here is whether or not they were mega influential and highly commercial at the same time being an ultimate trend and living your legend to the limit with disregard to fame & fortune, to life even. Today’s band surely lived up to the myth of rock n roll way of life… at least one of their members did… And as far as Rock goes the motto was, what meant to be classic; the self-destructive one, filled up with poetic sensitivities, yet at the same time, being disrespectful and aggressive to what is called nowadays even, status quo.. As far as what motto (the other one being:"Killed by Death") prevails; who cares? It is of no particular interest if we would know the band without it’s frontman, or just the opposite (that we would ever know about the frontman without his band) so the benefits arguably were mutual)… so there is no actual wonder why this extensive playlist does not include songs from the 2 albums the band released as a trio….