Τρίτη 17 Απριλίου 2018

Lynyrd Skynyrd: Music Suggestion Of The Day 17/04/2018

Today we still keeping our Top100 List material but we plunge into controversy much deeper than Aero-Trump did yesterday. No one can underrate today’s band. But still, blaming Neil Young for southern atrocities is way senseless. Today’s band surely set the standards for everything dubbed southern (hard) rock, later on.  On the other side with songs like that smell, freebird or simple man, no one could say otherwise; but the strong southern roots and quite often the lyrics impose alien concepts to rock; like woman abuse, the right on bearing arms without serious control and in general one retrograde life perception filled with racial prejudices.
We choose not to strengthen these features of the band’s music, but focus on the sense of freedom, cool travelling throughout never ending landscapes of wild beauty and of course the unimpeded sense of rocking an’ rolling without sounding either bluegrass or country – like, which was expected at first, to say the least.

Δευτέρα 16 Απριλίου 2018

Aerosmith: Music suggestion Of The Day 16/04/2018

Let us start this new week with a Top100 suggestion. Not my favorite glam rock band (see links below for more sleaze ). Even G’n'R punk-like attitude gives more to the hard rock concept than this, undoubtly, historic band from the US.
Never the less no one should forget gems like the Rocks album, or easily bypass their early 70's releases that were as groundbreaking as KISS were, without being recognized as an all time classic arena rock band. Today’s post is primarily focused on those 4 early 70’s releases maintaining the ranking according to RYM.