Πέμπτη 18 Ιουλίου 2024

Retro Database: Married With Children

It's been a long time since we ve paid a visit to retroDB...But there sure is a reason for it. First f all I think we' ll have some multimedia that will withstand time since it was one of the first sitcoms of the newly founded - new world order - but start - up then network FOX.....Alas; it was a hit...

And with alas I'm taking a guess about how notorious this will be to the new gen highly sensitive, political correct, no - brainers (was that enough?) mentioned at least once again in this blog with the equally notorious, R-rated Mind the ΓΑΠ post.
So it's a sitcom; it's not FRIENDS (which the keyboard activists or the millenium gen or whatever also condemned as inappropriate); it was way punk rock for it's time where the standards to family sitcoms had a very naive moral agenda and at that point had Bill Cosby to aspire to (that went well!). So it came as an insult way back then as the experts mention: “In 1987, the LA Times commented:[10] "The scripts are one-line oriented and sometimes an ugly howl, and the central characters are perfectly cast. The growly O'Neill and Sagal—who has a terrific mincing walk that she may have picked up from her days as one of Bette Midler’s Harletteswere born to insult and perform bowling-ball humor." Conversely, also in 1987, Tom Shales writing for The Washington Post wrote:[11] "A nasty-minded, overacted and poorly cast sitcom, "Married ... With Children" gets the schedule off on a rousing limp."
Elsewhere is mentioned a very propable cause of why although ratings and reviews are low the fan base is still hardcore: "Despite the show's enduring popularity and fanbase, Married... with Children was never a major ratings success. Part of the reason was that Fox, a startup network, did not have the affiliate base of the Big 3 TV Networks, thus preventing the series from reaching the entire country" (Source: WIKI) For more Controversy press HERE
To me the series was something of today's US adult animation shows like The Simpsons, Archer BoJack Horseman and for the absolute equivalent ..... Seth Mc Farlane's (and why hide it? FOX studios series also) Family Guy.
So without further a due we presetn a homage to something that will endure in the you tube community (unlike other retro references)and is suggested today because it made me feel good then (while deconstructing the morals of whatever values family represented durin my personal identity formation), and it surely make me feel good now; especially looking at youngsters enjoying series easier to be blunt (as an adult animation series rather an all American comedy sitcom) like FG while disregarding the first ever US live television show with a Peter Griffin like - character in a physical form. No wonder in picking it since it's branded as the "worst show ever" by the Parents Television Council. So a take a piss at the Bundies (paraphrasing Buddies) which insulted US mainstream Television air for 10 years (1987 - 1997 12 Seasons) with it's paramount and relentless satire boldly presuming white trash ethos as stanard in a decayin society

And don't forget all Retro are HERE

Thank God I'm not a shoe salesman

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