Κυριακή 1 Μαρτίου 2015

King Diamond: Music Suggestion Of The Day 01/03/2015

Taking the liberty of homaging one of the best concept ideas for 2 consecutive albums like THEM & Conspiracy, as a way of perceiving madness as possession, here it is what should be The story of little Missy and her sick brother (but getting Abigail's story instead) live



Poster Boy of FEAR
It is only fair to revisit one of the very first suggestions of Kokdi, just for adding material to this illustrius career of the legend that is King Diamond to our music. The original post meant to honour the back 2 back releases of one story in sequel (something that was later reused for Abigail II). The revamped edition apart on addin on the original youtube playlist, offers two sonic spotify playlists; a 39-track best of (kinda best 3 tracks out of 12 releases plus 3 xtras) and a thorough look in all of King's Nightmares throughout the years (with masterpieces like Puppet Master, Spider's Lullabies or 2007's Give Me your Soul Please), while audio - visually courtesy of Ruthless Metal channel we present a double animated story of King's classics plus...

Enjoy how a proper horror extravaganza should sound like

Or Hear the Best of Horror Stories or King's Nightmares @Spotify


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